Donate Through Your DAF and Save Lives
Teens in Arizona depend on help from supporters like you to make sure Teen Lifeline is there to lend a helping hand and a listening ear.
Through our partnership with The Giving Block, donating through your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is easy and just a few clicks away.
Donate Through Your DAF Via Our Giving Block Widget
You can donate stocks to Teen Lifeline through Giving Block. Here’s how:
1. Click on the DAF button in the widget to the left. The second DAF button will open a pop-up window where you will continue this process.
2. Select and sign in to the financial institution where your DAF is held, from national institutions like Vanguard, Schwab, and Fidelity to local institutions like Arizona Community Foundation.
3. Fill out the necessary information to make sure your recommendation is properly made.
Donations made here will support the entire mission of Teen Lifeline and will not be designated to a specific program or location. Your gift will be used where it is needed most.