A Connection of Hope in Your School!
Daily, high school students across the Valley are reminded that they are “not alone.” They carry a small ID on their lanyards that tells them if they feel like giving up, there is a resource available to them where they can turn to talk about their problems. Teen Lifeline’s School ID Initiative ensures that this vital connection to hope is in the pocket of students statewide.
Does your school have Teen Lifeline’s hotline information on the back of its student IDs? If not, let your school know you want them to add Teen Lifeline to their IDs!
If you’re an administrator who wants to add Teen Lifeline’s hotline information on your school’s student IDs, reach out to Community Liaison Morgan Hines at morgan@teenlifeline.org or 602-248-8337 for assistance and materials.
Arizona law ARS 15-160 requires all public and charter high schools to print the phone number for a suicide or crisis hotline on the back of every new student ID issued for a ninth through 12th grade student. Teen Lifeline worked closely with state legislators in the creation of this law, which was written with the intention of supporting Teen Lifeline’s Student ID Initiative.
Include Teen Lifeline’s life-saving information on all your school IDs!
Having Teen Lifeline’s number available on the back of all school IDs is an easy and vital action that will connect every teen in Arizona to help and hope. Students who feel stressed out about school, sports, family life, or anything in-between have easy access to Teen Lifeline’s crisis hotline and the Peer Counselors who have been trained to connect their peers to resources that will save their life.
Already, over half a million students across Arizona have Teen Lifeline’s information on the back of their student IDs.
We hope you will join us and provide a vital connection of help and hope to your students. If you would like to include Teen Lifeline’s information on the back of your students’ IDs, please contact Morgan at 602-248-8337 or morgan@teenlifeline.org.
The message on the back can be short and simple. Include Teen Lifeline’s name, the “You’re not alone” phrase, and the crisis hotline phone number: 602-248-8336 (TEEN).
Another example is: “If you feel like giving up, please don’t. There is help and there is hope. Call Teen Lifeline at 602-248-8336 (TEEN). You’re not alone.”

“Since our students are required to visibly wear their student ID on a break-a-way lanyard, adding ‘You’re Not Alone’ and the Teen Lifeline phone number to the back of every student ID was a simple and symbolic way to put these services in our students’ hands every day.”
Dr. Troy Bales, Former Principal
Pinnacle High School