Name* First Last Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Email* Birthday* Month Day Year Age* School Name* Year In School* 9th 10th 11th 12th College Have you ever been convicted of a crime?* Yes No If yes to above question, please explain.*Please list any food allergies or dietary restrictions and severity.How did you hear about Teen Lifeline?* Name of Parent/Guardian* Email of Parent/Guardian* Person to notify in case of emergency* Relationship to you?* Phone Number*Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Do you have available time to be a peer counselor?* Yes No Briefly list your hobbies or interests?*List any afterschool commitments or responsibilities you have (work, family, sports, clubs, etc.)*Briefly explain your interest or motivation in becoming a peer counselor.*What problems are teens facing today? How can Teen Lifeline help?*Can you realistically make a commitment to Teen Lifeline?* Yes No Have you had any experience with counseling before? Please describe.*How would you respond to a 15 year old girl who was having a problem with her boyfriend? Lately he doesn't seem to be interested in her, she feels shut out, alone and confused. She doesn't know what to do.*What is the role of a peer counselor?*CAPTCHA