Promote Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September is Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Talking about suicide helps prevent suicide. That’s why every September is Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month—a time dedicated to talking about the issues, warning signs, and support services around youth suicide.

Help us spread the word! Part of preventing suicide is having the right resources to share and the right messages to raise awareness. Share our hotline information and any of the graphics below via email, text, or social media for #TSPA throughout September.

Also, keep an eye out on our social media for suicide prevention PSAs made by high school student-athletes and band members to share!

How can I help spread the word?

  1. Download any of the images on this page by right-clicking and saving it to your desktop. You can also simply drag it onto your desktop, or download all the images at once by clicking on the download button below.
  2. Log on to your favorite social media site, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, or TikTok.
  3. Copy and paste one of the sample messages below into your post—or create your own message about why teen suicide prevention matters to you.
  4. Add the #TSPA hashtag to your social media posts and tag Teen Lifeline. Follow our social media if you aren’t already!
  5. Upload to your post the #TSPA image your downloaded in step one.
  6. Include a link in your caption to our TSPA page for others to learn more: (Note: Instagram doesn’t support links in captions, so include the link in your stories or bio and direct people there.)
  7. Post! Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to join the #TSPA conversation by sharing #TSPA posts or making their own this September.

P.S. Have questions or want to do a special campaign with Teen Lifeline? Reach out to our Communications Specialist Elizabeth Hansen at

Suggested Social Media Captions

Post 1: You’re not alone!

You’re not alone! September is Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and I want you to know that you matter. Every one of you💙

Reach out to the teens in your life and remind them that you see them👀, hear them👂, and are there to support them🫂 And remember, if a teen has thoughts of suicide, @teen_lifeline is here to listen and help 24/7 at 602-248-8336. #TSPA


Post 2: 1 in 4

Did you know 1 in 4 Arizona teens have thoughts of suicide? #TSPA

If you or a teen you know has thoughts of suicide, reach out! There is help and there is hope.

Call or text @teen_lifeline to talk with a teen peer counselor at 602-248-8336. You’re not alone!


Post 3: Community resources

Do you, your friends, or your family need help? From mental health emergencies to shelter and support, use any of these resources to find help in Arizona:

If you need help finding the right resource for your specific needs, @teen_lifeline and @211arizona can guide you:

> Call/text Teen Lifeline at 602-248-8336 for youth-focused resources

> Call 211 or visit for a wide variety of resources across Arizona

Our community is here for you! #TSPA


Post 4: Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month fundraiser

September is Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, so I’m raising money for Teen Lifeline to help prevent teen suicide! #TSPA

Last year, Teen Lifeline’s hotline answered nearly 48,000 calls and texts from teens in need of help and hope. Almost 15,000 of those calls and texts were from a teen considering suicide. After talking with a teen peer counselor, almost all of those teens felt better💙

Join me in supporting @teen_lifeline and the connections of hope they provide by sharing this post and making a donation to my fundraiser. Together, we can create a world where all teens feel hopeful! [Insert link to your fundraiser]

Post 1: You’re not alone!

You’re not alone! September is Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and I want you to know that you matter. Every one of you💙

Reach out to the teens in your life and remind them that you see them, hear them, and are there to support them. And remember, if a teen has thoughts of suicide, the @Teen Lifeline hotline is here to listen and help 24/7 at 602-248-8336. #TSPA


Post 2: 1 in 4

Did you know 1 in 4 Arizona teens have thoughts of suicide? #TSPA

If you or a teen you know has thoughts of suicide, reach out! There is help and there is hope.

Call or text @Teen Lifeline to talk with a teen peer counselor at 602-248-8336. You’re not alone!


Post 3: Community resources

Do you, your friends, or your family need help? From mental health emergencies to shelter and support, use any of these resources to find help in Arizona:

If you need help finding the right resource for your specific needs, @Teen Lifeline and @2-1-1 Arizona can guide you:

> Call/text Teen Lifeline at 602-248-8336 for youth-focused resources

> Call 211 or visit for a wide variety of resources across Arizona

Our community is here for you! #TSPA


Post 4: Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month fundraiser

September is Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, so I’m raising money for Teen Lifeline to help prevent teen suicide! #TSPA

Last year, Teen Lifeline’s hotline answered nearly 48,000 calls and texts from teens in need of help and hope. Almost 15,000 of those calls and texts were from a teen considering suicide. After talking with a teen peer counselor, almost all of those teens felt better.

Join me in supporting @Teen Lifeline and the connections of hope they provide by sharing this post and making a donation to my fundraiser. Together, we can create a world where all teens feel hopeful! [Insert link to your fundraiser]

Post 1: You’re not alone!

You’re not alone! September is Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and I want you to know that you matter. Every one of you💙

Reach out to the teens in your life and remind them that you see them👀, hear them👂, and are there to support them🫂 And remember, if a teen has thoughts of suicide, @602248teen is here to listen and help 24/7 at 602-248-8336. #TSPA #TeenLifeline #MentalHealth


Post 2: 1 in 4

Did you know 1 in 4 Arizona teens have thoughts of suicide?

If you or a teen you know has thoughts of suicide, reach out! There is help and there is hope. Call or text @602248teen to talk with a teen peer counselor at 602-248-8336. You’re not alone! #TSPA #TeenLifeline #MentalHealth


Post 3: Community resources

Do you, your friends, or your family need help? From mental health emergencies to shelter and support, use any of these resources to find help in Arizona:

If you need help finding the right resource for your specific needs, @602248teen and 211 Arizona can guide you:

> Call/text Teen Lifeline at 602-248-8336 for youth-focused resources

> Call 211 or visit for a wide variety of resources across Arizona

Our community is here for you! #TSPA #TeenLifeline #Arizona


Post 4: Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month fundraiser

September is Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, so I’m raising money for Teen Lifeline to help prevent teen suicide! #TSPA

Last year, Teen Lifeline’s hotline answered nearly 48,000 calls and texts from teens in need of help and hope. Almost 15,000 of those calls and texts were from a teen considering suicide. After talking with a teen peer counselor, almost all of those teens felt better💙

Join me in supporting @602248teen and the connections of hope they provide by sharing this post and making a donation to my fundraiser. Together, we can create a world where all teens feel hopeful! [Insert link to your fundraiser]

Post 1: You’re not alone!

You’re not alone! September is Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month #TSPA

Check in with teens in your life and tell them you see them👀, hear them👂, and support them🫂

If you have thoughts of suicide, reach out! Teens can call/text @602248teen for help💙


Post 2: 1 in 4

Did you know 1 in 4 Arizona teens have thoughts of suicide? #TSPA

If you or a teen you know has thoughts of suicide, reach out! There is help and there is hope.

Call or text @602248teen to talk with a teen peer counselor at 602-248-8336. You’re not alone!


Post 3: Community resources

Do you, your friends, or your family need help? From mental health emergencies to shelter and support, use any of these resources to find help in Arizona:

Our community is here for you! @602248teen #TSPA


Post 4: Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month fundraiser

September is Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, so I’m raising $$$ for @602248TEEN to help prevent teen suicide! #TSPA

Last year, the hotline answered 48,000 calls/texts from teens in need of hope. Almost all felt better after calling💙

Donate at [Insert link to your fundraiser]


¡No estás solo!

¡No estás solo! Septiembre es el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Prevención del Suicidio Adolescente, y quiero que sepas que importas💙

Diles a los adolescentes en tu vida que estás pendiente de ellos👀, que los escuchas👂, y que los apoyas🫂

Y recuerda, si un adolescente tiene pensamientos suicidas, Teen Lifeline está aquí para escucharlo y ayudarlo las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto a Teen Lifeline al 602-248-8336. #TSPA #TeenLifeline


1 de cada 4

¿Sabías que 1 de cada 4 adolescentes en Arizona tienen pensamientos suicidas? #TSPA #TeenLifeline

Si tú o un adolescente que conoces tiene pensamientos suicidas, ¡díselo a alguien! Hay ayuda y hay esperanza.

Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al Teen Lifeline para hablar con un consejero adolescente al 602-248-8336. ¡No estás solo!


Recursos comunitarios

¿Tú, tus amigos o tu familia necesitan ayuda? Desde emergencias de salud mental hasta refugio y apoyo, usa estos recursos para encontrar ayuda en Arizona:

Si necesitas ayuda para encontrar el recurso adecuado para tus necesidades específicas, Teen Lifeline y 211 Arizona pueden guiarte:

> Llama o envía un mensaje de texto a Teen Lifeline al 602-248-8336 para obtener recursos enfocados en jóvenes

> Llama al 211 o visita para una amplia variedad de recursos en todo Arizona

¡Nuestra comunidad está aquí para apoyarte! #TSPA #TeenLifeline


Recaudación de fondos para el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Prevención del Suicidio Adolescente

Septiembre es el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Prevención del Suicidio Adolescente, ¡así que estoy recaudando dinero para Teen Lifeline para ayudar a prevenir el suicidio adolescente! #TSPA #TeenLifeline

El año pasado, la línea de ayuda de Teen Lifeline respondió a casi 48,000 llamadas y mensajes de texto de adolescentes que necesitaban ayuda y esperanza. Casi 15,000 de eses llamadas y mensajes de texto fueron de adolescentes con pensamientos suicidas. Después de hablar con un consejero adolescente, casi todos esos adolescentes se sintieron mejor💙

Únete a mi en apoyar a Teen Lifeline y las conexiones de esperanza que brindan. Comparte esta publicación y dona a mi recaudación de fondos en [Inserta el enlace a tu recaudación de fondos].

Juntos, ¡podemos crear un mundo donde todos los adolescentes se sientan esperanzados!


Share these graphics on social media!

Make your own graphic with our Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month frame

Make this image your own! Save this ribbon frame image to your device and place it over your photos to make your own awareness graphic for TSPA.

More sharable graphics for you to choose from:

Banners for Facebook, Twitter/X, email, and websites

¡Y unos gráficos en Español!

Share this information with your loved ones!

If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, REACH OUT!

Talking about mental health problems and life challenges can literally save lives. Crisis hotlines like Teen Lifeline are here to help you and your loved ones through any crisis. You’re not alone!

Teen Lifeline

Teen Lifeline’s peer-to-peer crisis hotline is here to help Arizona teens and adults concerned for a teen 24/7/365.

  • Calls are answered 24/7/365
  • Texting Hours: 12 – 9 p.m. Monday – Friday & 3 – 9 p.m. Saturday/Sunday
  • Peer Counseling: 3 – 9 p.m. daily

Call or text Teen Lifeline at 602-248-8336.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

If you need help for an adult or someone outside of Arizona, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (988) is ready to help anyone in the US experiencing a mental health crisis. Call, text, and online chat are all answered 24/7/365.

Call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.

Chat online with a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline counselor at

Local Resources

There is a whole community of support behind you! Click the button below to see our list of agencies assisting Arizonans with mental health and related services.

Photo of a teen volunteer talking with a hotline caller.

Start a social media fundraiser for Teen Lifeline!

Everyone deserves to feel connected to people who care. 1 in 3 high schoolers struggle with feeling sad and hopeless—for many teens, Teen Lifeline is the connection of hope that keeps them going.

You have the power to show teens they’re not alone—by sharing nonprofit posts, donating, and enlisting friends and family into the effort through peer-to-peer fundraising to support the connections of hope teens rely on Teen Lifeline for.

Join us by starting a fundraiser on social media so that every teen knows they have a strong community of support behind them.